Hydraulically-activated ramp to facilitate unloading of pigs and reduces the animal stress. The floor is built in corrugated stainless steel to get grip of pigs hooves.
Design and building of containing and conduction elements from the animals stable to the killing area. The animal wellfare and the space optimization are taken into account.
Machine designed for the transport and immobilization of pigs in order to facilitate the stunning operation.
A table for bleeding in a continous and horizontaly way. Built in stainless steel , it consists of one part with one-metre-wide nylon boards and an other part with half-metre-wide stainless steel rollers.
The system is designed to return the hooks to its hanging point after the bleeding process.
Complete built in stainless steel , length depending on the production in order to get a proper bleeding. The outer perimeter of the hopper has got a flange to attache to a wall.
System designed to treat the blood by means of steam injection so that it becomes solid.
To hoist stunned pigs to a bleeding track, aproximately 3 meters high. Enough speed for any production. It is supplied with a water-proof and an on-off electrical box.
The scalding is carried out by spraying hot water over the suspended pigs.The system is adaptable to any type of dehairer.
Provided with a shovel hydraulic or pneumatically operatedload shovel, a rubber roller with scrapers and shovel retention.
Horizontal dehairing system. Machine valid for Iberian pig, mothers up to 300 Kg and white pigs standard. Provided with a shovel built in stainless steel for introducing the pigs.
C/ Terrassa, 15-25 17800 Olot, Girona, Spain Tel. +34 972 26 07 24